Fire Extinguishers - Commercial, Home & Auto
Our fire extinguishers are used by Police and Fire Departments, homes and businesses, apartments, warehouses and factories all over the country. Having an accessible fire extinguisher when a fire is still small can mean the difference between minor damage and a catastrophic fire.
Amerex ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers - These fire extinguishers are shipped charged and ready to go! Sizes range from 2.5 lb., 5 lb., 10 lb., and 20 lb. Meets Fire Codes for apartments and businesses where a multi-purpose fire extinguisher is required.
Amerex Pressurized Water Fire Extinguishers - These popular fire extinguishers for Class A fires are economical and easy to charge.
FireAde 2000 Personal Fire Extinguishers - These compact 16 oz. fire extinguishers are charged with powerful firefighting foam and can be used on class A and class B fires. Perfect for home, camping and vehicles.